2 min

Pre-Order Now: "The Simple Art of Murder" by Kurt Cole Eidsvig

Kurt Cole Eidsvig's latest poetry collection, "The Simple Art of Murder," is now available for pre-order, offering readers a profound journey through the intricacies of personal experiences, art history, and introspection. This vivid tapestry of poems is a unique narrative experience, intertwining the mundane with the iconic, the personal with the artistic.

Eidsvig masterfully delves into themes of memory, loss, family, and personal struggle. He employs a diverse range of cultural references, transforming Andy Warhol’s soup cans into a symbol of maternal care and reducing Picasso to a mere print on a cocktail napkin. These are not mere references but integral parts of a narrative that examines the impact of art on personal experience.

The collection takes readers across various landscapes, from Boston to Las Vegas to Key West, each setting providing a backdrop for Eidsvig's introspective and sometimes humorous exploration of life. His language is raw and honest, infused with playfulness and formal inventiveness. The poems range from long, dramatic pieces to tender, lyrical asides, offering a multifaceted reading experience.

David Connolly praises Eidsvig as an "almost too honest voice," a "man who has risen above what tried so hard to kill him." Sandra Simonds describes the collection as a "deeply felt phantasmagoria," where "ekphrasis becomes a way to confront memory, separation, and loss." Catherine Theis remarks on the "fierce scope" and "incessant drive" of Eidsvig's language, inviting us to "let the language grow all over you."

"The Simple Art of Murder" is not just a collection of poems; it is an experiential journey through life's complexities, an exploration of the confluence of literary and art history with the personal. Pre-order now and immerse yourself in the world of Kurt Cole Eidsvig, where every poem is a passage through the curving air of life's vast tapestry.