1 min

Zoom Book Launch for POP X POETRY

if you haven't heard yet, the big Zoom Book Launch for POP X POETRY is this coming Saturday, November 6 at 5 PM.

There's plenty of invites out there. If you haven't received your engraved invitation in the mail yet, consider this your personal invite.

Places like FOX28, KTVN, and WRDE have the full lowdown on the event. It's shaping up to be a good time. There will be distinguished guest readers from all over the United States, Canada, and Europe, as well as art previews from the book.

Readers include artists, writers, actors, and art enthusiasts. They are Sylvie Agudelo, KL and Martin Cockroft, Michael Conroy, Peg Farber-Burr, Mayeti Gametchu, Sean Gill, Jake Kanengiser, Daisy Kincaid, Jake Maulin, Elle Aviv Newton, Dr. EL Putnam, M.N. Snow, Emmerline Smy, and Catherine Theis.

Guests should use Meeting ID: 815 8756 8722 and Passcode: Poetry to attend the event.

You can find out more about POP X POETRY here at EidsvigArt.

Look forward to seeing you all there. Make sure you subscribe to EidsvigArt for the latest updates.