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Are You There God? It's Me, Eidsvig

I was just singing the praises of the Key West writer's community this week to a friend. They asked me if Key West felt like home.

I told them that barring inventing a time machine and heading back to South Boston circa 1998 Key West felt very much like home. Part of that is being immersed in the history of Key West writers.

All the writer history, from Hemingway to Tennessee Williams, Shel Silverstein, Judy Blume, Jim Harrison, Thomas McGuane, Truman Capote, Bishop, Frost, Wallace Stevens, Jimmy Buffett, Vonnegut (spent a weekend here but it's good enough for me), is incredibly inspiring to me. There's a sign on one of the beaches that says "Tennessee Williams who swam here every day said 'I write everywhere but I write best here."

I recently found out that James Leo Herlihy who wrote Midnight Cowboy lived in a friend's apartment years ago.

Living in the land of literary legends, it was great to get the thumbs-up from super-famous writer Judy Blume on my book POP X POETRY.

Speaking of Judy Blume and Time Machines

When I was in elementary school reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Freckle Juice, Tiger Eyes, Superfudge, Blubber, and Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret if you told me that super-famous writer Judy Blume would be giving one of my books the thumbs-up someday at her bookstore, I’m not sure I would have believed you. But here you go.

Books and Books carries my book POP X POETRY. If you're in town, stop by and grab a copy of the book, and meet Judy.

On another note, it looks like Judy and I are about to go rob a bank.

But Where Do I Get A Signed Copy?

For a signed copy you do not need to go wrestle a book out of Judy Blume's hand. It's a much easier process.

Rumor has it that Books and Books in Key West may start carrying some signed copies. That's a great way to get the old Eidsvig autograph on a book.

But if you are looking for one with a customized haiku in the front, you can buy one on my site. I have about ten copies left if you go buy one in the shop.

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